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When i type commands it says unknown command, any idea how to fix it?
In my script, it saves PlayerInfo[playerid][var] into the database playerdata. It also loads playerdata and puts it into PlayerInfo[playerid][var] (whatever the var may be) When it does the password ...
The dumb thing is though. Its not saving the money to the file.... I dont know why. Did I do something wrong?
Well its not needed. when you do /stats it says the same amount, plus. I have a timer that sets the players money back to what its supposed to. To stop confusion from time to time.
When I do /buyhouse, it doesnt load the money and subtract it from the player. Its saved correctly before you ask. I know that for sure. But take a look if you think you can help. Код: dcmd_buyho...
On my server in random places there are random objects that you get stuck on, you cant see them, but they stop you like a normal object, you can stand on them and you can shoot them. Me and my friends...
What are some more sucsessful ways of achiving this?
Every second it checks the vehicle. Here is the code: Code: public UpdateCars() { new i,c,close; new Float:X,Float:Y,Float:Z; CheckLockedCars(); car: if(c<800) { if(CarDestroy[c...
I made a timer to update the vehicle in my server, and I dont use OnPlayerUpdate yet.
Thanks for the constructive feedback, but it was working fine till today. I must have made some kind of ajustment to the script to make this happen, Im just asking if anyone has any idea why this may ...
oh Yeah sorry, there shouldnt be a /, listen to Dudits
Im trying to script but I cant because my server is desynced so I cant work with my partner, you can talk, but you cant see the other person move or anything, it updates their position anywhere from 5...
Hi I have the samp problem. I did both of those things twice and still nothing.. I have vista with admin account, and its downgraded, 0.3 it was working last week (litteraly)
Quote: Originally Posted by zallomallo Quote: Originally Posted by Tyler_Idy Quote: Originally Posted by zallomallo I've recently noticed something, I'm always gett...
Quote: Originally Posted by zallomallo I've recently noticed something, I'm always getting better at scripting. About two months ago, I started rewriting an earlier script. I stopped at ab...
Quote: Originally Posted by ♣ Joker ♠ Try to debug your error out just put a print statment in OnDialogResponse pawn Code: printf("OnDialogResponse(%d, %d, %d, %d, \"%s\");", player...
Still nothing happens I did both buttons too
No ones helping me but I realy need this, I have alot of dialogs that arnt working and if I can get this one solved then I can do alot more!