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So your saying the older version of YSI has functions to move data from 1 Textdraw to another Textdraw? Could you link me to the version your talking about if possible?
I'm making a kind of 'News Box' using Textdraws, so I'm needing a way to store the string information, so the textdraw above it can read it and set it's string as the string from the Textdraw undernea...
Quote: Originally Posted by Conroy Everytime you change the value, put the same value in a variable. -Conroy That's what I thought I would have to do, just seeing if there was an easie...
Hey all, I was trying to think of a way to actually read a Textdraw's string, is there any simple way? Any help would be appreciated E.G: I set Textdraw0's string to 'Hello', now i want to be able ...
Theres a function lurking around called IsPlayerInArea, search for it. As for the message you can find some countdown code somewhere on the forum too and use it with the IsPlayerInArea function
pawn Код: // Top of scriptnew gzone;// OnGameModeInitgzone = GangZoneCreate(2638.322, -2617.477, 2824.661, -2333.239);// PlayerSpawnGangZoneShowForPlayer(playerid, gzone, 0xA600FF48); // Can chang...
It's not a problem, its what DUDB is made to do.
Quote: Originally Posted by Freddo I hate how people think this is an MTA help forum. +1 Ask on the MTA forums
try adding new Deathmatch[MAX_PLAYERS]; at the top of your script
what errors are you getting?
pawn Код: new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++){  GetPlayerPos(i, x, y, z);  if(z < {COORD}) // change '{COORD}' to your Z co-ord of when they are in the water...
Quote: Originally Posted by AlbanianGuy Quote: Originally Posted by 6fears7 pawn Код: if (PlayerLogged[playerid] == 1){  SetPlayerSkin(playerid, dUserINT(PlayerName(player...
pawn Код: if (PlayerLogged[playerid] == 1){  SetPlayerSkin(playerid, dUserINT(PlayerName(playerid)).("UserSkin")); } That should work
What program did you use to tape it and make the effect? seems quite nice good tut, helpful for the newbies
This should work pawn Код: if (strcmp("/health", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0){  new Float:health; // We use Float here because health is a float  new string[128];  GetPlayerHealth(string, sizeof(he...
Quote: Originally Posted by Wanted1900 OnPlayerDisconnect IS called on GMXes. No, it isnt... add print("Howdy"); to OnPlayerDisconnect and then test it out by the server console, it is...
You should recode this when you got some time, make it better
There are several already made Anti-Cheats on the forums that you could use.