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Quote: Originally Posted by Sweet_Mafia™ Try using the ****** button, but um, what you mean by sa-mp clans? is this related to ingame prefferences for dm, or rp familys? For clan wars...
Web design for free nah? Never. Web designers make from 100-750 bucks I made 26 Bucks for just putting image on a index.htm page. edit: Or set something up. ;') Nothing's free.
here are some top 10 selling found in ****** not sure if that what your looking for
Quote: Originally Posted by Anthonyx3' You could use image mapping, or just slice it up as said, and use css. basically what he said. ^ anyway what should I use to slice? PS or? ther is...
Quote: Originally Posted by Norn You could slice the map accordingly to what you want to do, would be the easiest way in my opinion although I haven't really experimented heavily with that...
Hey, I got a website baisclly what I want to make a clickable image around gta sa map example: you press on LS airport and there is gonna be a small menu about it( on the image ), how long it is, how...
I am hosting this for fun Can you guys please try it and then try on and show the results? Use white version uses less resources.
give me one to try . To host my SA-MP server xD
R, I am not sure but what I am sure about is that NCP's start from ID 0- up to how how you made. Sorry if it didn't help ;'(
pawn Код: public OnPlayerConnect( playerid ){    // This example demonstrates how to create a dollar-icon on top of a 24/7 located    // in Las Venturas. This way new players know where to go ...
Quote: Originally Posted by MrDeath Just use: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 :/ Okay. But sorry if it rude, but it didn't answer my question ;'( "Is it correct? When a plane gets close to me while I am...
Is it correct? When a plane gets close to me while I am flying it will start beeping, and when it gets away arond 15-20 netters it will stop beeping?
Hey, I want to make something. When two planes are close to eachother there is going to be a sound when they get like 20 netters away the sound will stop So I am going to try my self fix my errors if...
Quote: Originally Posted by Krx17 You can just run a loop. pawn Код: for(new i = 0; i < 100; i++){    new mycar = CreateVehicle(...);    new string[30];    format(string, 30, ...
so if i have 100 planes, ill need too add 100 of those? I think it possible to make something random between 3 letters A-Z A-Z A-Z - 1-9 1-9 1-9 so it gonna be some thing UZI-915 and if server res...
Quote: Originally Posted by Krx17 If you want to attach a label to a plane, then use Create3DTextLabel and Attach3DTextLabelToVehicle. random tail number selection in the server. so so...
118 search "Call Of Duty gamemode samp" edit: Call Of Duty This forum requires that you wait 60 seconds between posts. Please try again in 13 seconds. This forum requires that you wait 60 se...
Acer? No, I have one lots and lots of problems. Buy HP, or Toshiba prob the best. :P
Planes have tail numbers for example RXV-678 requesting to taxi on B1. This is the atc to RXV-678 you may taxi on B1.
oh the one that seif had in his anim /copgun when you can hold your gun down on the ground and walk. I think that what he wants