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Hey guys ! So I've been looking for y_hooks include ! The links on the topic are dead, and I really need it So if anyone could upload it, that would be great Thanks
I get errors in this line : if(!SendLocalMessage(playerid, receiver = -1, string, GetPlayerColor(playerid))) SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "[INFO] You are too far, no one hear you ! "); r...
Still not working I got some errors but tried to fix 'em like : - InPlayerInRange ( I changed it to InPlayerInRangeOfPoint ) - undefined symbol "receiver" ( removed it and kept -1 ) but when i go in,...
Quote: Originally Posted by Norck Try this one: pawn Код: public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[]){new string[256];new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];GetPlayerName(playerid,name,sizeof(name));for(...
Ey guys ! So i've been working on a code for OnPlayerText : public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[]) { new string[256]; new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName(playerid,name,sizeof(name)); for(new i =...
Hello guys ! So i'm using win7 I tried the /save command in-game, but it doesn't save in the saved-positions.txt How can i save a position while using win 7 please ? Because i didn't have this proble...
Hello all, So i tried to upgrade my server to 0.3b, When i compiled all works fine But when i start the server, i've got this error : [02:58:15] Script[gamemodes/script.amx]: Run time error 19: "File...
I do have LC coords, but I can access to that room That's why i posted here !
Hello guys ! I found the coords of Liberty city, but couldn't find the coords of the room in Liberty city Does any one of you have these coords ? Please i need them Thanks
Hello people ! My friend has a weird problem ! Since my server is hosted in France, he cannot connect and join us there ! We tried with other hosted servers in france, same it shows him this : HostNa...
Well there is a lot of admins bases map ! And make a teleport only for admins ..
Well, I have this business system, each business has a checkpoint near of it Code : Код: stock LoadBizInfo(b) { new biz[50],string[128],Float:x,Float:y,Float:z; new bname[50],pname[MAX_PLAYE...
Ey guys, I was wondering, How to give something to a player each in-real life day ? I mean he log in, he gets that thing, after he log out, the next day when he log in, he gets it again ( after 24H) ...
So, Hello guys I tried to do an auto-spawn after login, I almost succeded, but I have a little problem ! Player always spawn with skin ID:0 Here is the code of the spawn after login : Код: public...
Sorry but i didn't understand what do you want to make, or what's not working ? any more details so we can help you out ? Takumi_