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use it in a fast timer.. KEY_LEFT KEY_RIGHT KEY_UP KEY_DOWN dont work in OnPlayerKeyStateChange
you can use SpawnPlayer(..) on a class selection which doesnt happen after connect
My xfire could always recognize when i start SA:MP
pawn Код: stock GetVehiclePos2(id, &Float:x, &Float:y, &Float:z){  x = CarSpawns[id][pos_x];  y = CarSpawns[id][pos_y];  z = CarSpawns[id][pos_z];}
Quote: Originally Posted by PawNFoX are these the same like for xChat? i think so
1. use [ pawn ] tags... 2. wrong section 3. code wont work.. 4. translate it
Quote: Originally Posted by maij note that: pawn Код: rounded = num / 5 * 5; gives another result as ; pawn Код: rounded = floatround(floatdiv(num, 5.0), floatround_round) * 5; tr...
Quote: Originally Posted by ♣ ⓐⓢⓢ pawn Код: new rounded, num;num = 46;if((num % 5) > 2) num += 5;rounded = num / 5 * 5; Or pawn Код: new rounded, num;num = 46;rounded ...
Great idea sandra, nice script again youve got there BTW: First poster
Quote: Originally Posted by [Fackin' Pyro ] Quote: Originally Posted by lesley How to round a number that the result's last cipher is 5 or 0, could it be something like that? :...
How to round a number that the result's last cipher is 5 or 0, could it be something like that? : Код: new rounded, num; num = 47; rounded = (num / 5) * 5; in my example, 'rounded' should be 45..
yeah something like that... fee for something for school things may be different in other countries... but now back to my question..
Quote: Originally Posted by kaisersouse how old are you? 15...
Well im in a really stupid situation... My parents dont get really much money at work so I must help them.. I need to get money for school :/ My parents told me i should carry newspapers or something...
Hey I could help you if youve got a nice idea.. see my sig