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OH Man thats AWESOME!!! Keep up this good work!!
i have found it
Код: format(string, sizeof(string), "(( %s OOC: %s ))", pName(playerid), result); SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_CHAT1,string);
Hello! I need a chat system: When i write a message in /ooc what is too long, it looks like this: Код: (( X_Y OOC: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa And I want a script what does this: Код: ...
Hello! I am making a tuning script and i want to remove the car's paintjob. I used this: Код: ChangeVehiclePaintjob(vehicleid,-1); It removes it, but if I remove it in my car I have to stream ou...
Hello! I have seen niCe's pool script and I started to create a pool script. Its almost finished but I need 1 thing. I have marked my balls with p[16], so p[0],p[1],p[2]. The White Ball's objectid is...
So if it looks like this, if there a 100 players in team, every player must have score 0 to loose the battle??
Hello! I am creating a team deathmatch mode, but i have problems. The players start with 5 score and if they dead they get -1, if the kill somebody they get +1 score. If all the players in the team h...
Hello! How to crash a player? I want to create a /crash command, but I dont know how to crash a player. I have tried it with PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid,1,100), but it doesnt works. Can you help me?...
The internet exploler cant load it XXD can you send the link of the topic in this forum?:
Hello! I have seen a good map in this forum before, but i dont remember the topic. It was a club or maybe a dj studio or a gang house?? I dont know very well. It was here, in this place: Do you re...
7.Type in : perl scriptname (scriptname is the name of your script) WHAT? I typed: perl lvdm and it wrote: "Can't Open Perl Script "":No such file or directory" Wh...
Quote: Originally Posted by LarzI You do know that Z is height? X and Y has nothing to do with Z, so no, this isn't possible (unless you have the volume value). I have found that functi...
This bans people, who get out of a helicopter, because when they get out of a heli or plane, they get parachute...
AWESOME MAP! Great job man! Keep Up this good work!
You should write there /me and /try. /me: I type this: /me turns on his computer. And it send a message in a range of 20-30 meters: Bart_Simpson turns on his computer. /try: I type this: /try to tur...