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Hi , ive been out of pawno for too much and cant remember how to use textdraw . What i want to do is create a textdraw with 2 buttons on the bottom of the screen (right corner low ) and i need a webs...
pawn Код: enum PlayerInfo{    id,    Money,    OtherStuff}new PInfo[MAX_PLAYERS][PlayerInfo]; pawn Код: for(new i; i < sizeof(PInfo); i++)    {        PInfo[playerid][i]=0;  Â...
Is there any way to get the pickup type ? (like let's say a house pickup /dollar gun etc) If i didn't make myself clear ,what i want to do is when a player enters a pickup (and that pickup's type is ...
pawn Код: forward EngineBreak();public EngineBreak(){  for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)  {        if(IsPlayerConnected(i) && IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(i) && GetPlayerState(...
Not soure but try to make it like this : pawn Код: if (engine == 0){ //add this   SetVehicleParamsEx(vehicleid, 1, lights, a, d, hood, trunk, o);} // and close thiselse{ //add this  SetVehicleP...
You are using an older version of the foreach include i think Try this [pawn] foreach (Player,i) [/code]
pawn Код: new ownedcarteam[MAX_VEHICLES];new tempvarforcar;OnGameModeInit(){  //blabla rest of the code  tempvarforcar =  CreateVehicle(blablacoordsandstuff); // police car 1  ownedcarteam[tem...
Ty for the help ,the problem was that my map was a bit out (on the sea , waay on the sea) , so i modified all the x coordonates .
Yea i thot of that ,but i wasnt shoure if the problem was from the height or not LE : But i cant substract 200 from the z , coz the z only have around 50
Ok so i got a custom map , at around 50feet height (the z coordonate ) .and im trying to add some pickups there Code: pickupcza = CreatePickup(1318, 2, 5372.6929,-2662.7646,43.9063, -1); Any ideea...
There was a function that made a number into a string , delimiting each 3 digits with a dot (.) For example 1500 will turn intro 1.500 || 15000 will tun into 15.000 Can any1 give me this function ?
How to connect and set pos of a npc using rnpc ? This is my code ,but it doesnt work Код: public LoadNPCS() { new z=ConnectRNPC("IESIACAS"); SetPlayerPos(z,359.3297,-2032.0125,7.8359); re...
I made a clock , but it doesnt change ,it stays at the hour you enter . Код: stock UpdateTime() { gettime(clockhour, clockminute); format(timestr,32,"%02d:%02d",clockhour,clockminute); ...
I saw a very intresting menu(or whatver this is) and i was wondering how it was done , because i want to make something similar So what functions makes this lovely thing ?
Ty very much mate . Lack of sleep certanly makes you miss the little stuff
Ok so i have the following DB id|Name|Password|Admin|Money|LastLogin|Banned|BanT ime|MotivBan and this code pawn Код: enum PlayerInfo{    id, // integer    Name[24],     Password[24],  ...
Hi , i have a small problem , after i login i dont spawn Code: stock LoadStats(playerid) { /// Blabla loading variabiles and stuff SpawnPlayer(playerid); return 1; } Also i have : Code: publ...
Ok , Ty for your help but i am too laizy to change everything ...
Do i have to change every query for that ?