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is it possible to increase the punch damage in order to kill faster ?
can some1 tell me why it loads through id and not player name
thats the point i want to use this as a filterscript
yes i tried but it saves the information to IDS instead names
ok i made a filterscript and i want to create a file to store the information each time a player logs off and when he spawns if the file exists already load it up, is there anything wrong with this ? ...
I want to know which one is the right one, i have used is, i even checked the sscanf integers and didn't manage to find the right one, the command is supposed to work as /setcontacts linenumber(ID) na...
nvm i fixed it it was some dumb human mistake lol max hour should be 23 to it jumps to 0 and not 24
Still not working, it goes to 25 and higher
Ok, my server has a custom clock i made, but sometimes the weathers get bugged on certain times, and i decided to make a command which changes the world's time and sets the clock to the number i set u...
Hey, i'm making this command and everything's working fine, but the You don't have enough drug grams ain't working properly, i tried using both && and || and only the cocaine works fine, but t...
why dont u just use playerdata pawn Код: dcmd_onduty(playerid, params[]){if(!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(7.0, 257.1060, 78.4763, 1003.6406)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "You are not ...
pawn Код: dcmd_onduty(playerid, params[]){if(!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(7.0, 257.1060, 78.4763, 1003.6406)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "You are not at your locker.");if(GetPVarInt(...
use zcmd new targetid; TogglePlayerControllable(targetid, 0);