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GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint is not defined by your includes, find one that has it.
yes, it messes up the algorithm used to decompile (as far as I know). Just download the program and test it if you are really that concerned.
either your username, password, database, or hostname is wrong. or there is a firewall. take your pick
you also put spaces in the declare new sultan 1; should be new sultan1;
your gonna have to store player data, and make an extra option for faction do a simple if statement to either show or hide that class selection
Ah okay thanks, I thought I had done something wrong in the script :S
I have been playing with this for quite some time and I cant seem to make any progress. When I create a particle fire with pawn Код: CreateObject(id, x, y, z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 300); with the id be...
um ok it will be awhile, does your cop have to issue a ticket to the person? or does the person gain a "ticket" wanted level when the player wants to do pay ticket is it just going to the closest co...
well with your variable architecture your going to have to store additional an variable when the cop issues the ticket such as Код: TicketCopName[playerid] use the cops name to check against to i...
youll have to keep a record of what you did and then spawn that car back with the correct attachments
Can you tell me what the error lines are? Make sure that you either #define the color or change it to a already defined one btw.
try this Код: command(gateo, playerid, params[]) { if(Groups[Player[playerid][Group]][CommandTypes] == 1 || Groups[Player[playerid][Group]][CommandTypes] == 4) { if(PlayerToPoint(15.0, playerid,...
make a loop to get the players near the gate and then display a formatted string to them if they are
Im assuming its linux, but double check that the files actually exist, and that they are set to the proper permissions
Код: public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]) { if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/jackass", true) == 0) { // Set the player's skin to ID 252, which is a whatever the skin is SetP...
Your else statement is inside the playerpoint if statement, move it out?
2 things, first: Is it possible that mysql_connect returns inversely? when using this Код: if(mysql_connect(SQL_HOST,SQL_USER,SQL_PASS,SQL_DB)) { print("MySQL connected."); print("Registrat...
Did you write the code that you posted?
It would help if you postetd it Okay, What you are doing does not always work. You can use a checkpoint streamer (not sure if you can do this normally) but you create t...