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If you want someone to script it FOR you, go to the script request thread this section is for help not hurr durr I can't understand you giving me all this halp wil u do for me!!!
Well he's really looking for this Code: if(pInfo[playerid][GroupID] != 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"ERROR: You cannot join another group until you leave the current one you're in."...
Quote: Originally Posted by [AC Etch ] why not just using dcmd , are u allergic to it ? No, but ZCMD is easier and faster.
Quote: Originally Posted by campkz Код: else if(GetPlayerVehicleID(OwnableCarOffer[playerid]) == PlayerInfo[OwnableCarOffer[playerid]][pPcarkey4]) { PlayerInfo[playeri...
AWWWW shit it's a GF edit some pro shit right there. [/sarcasm]
Quote: Originally Posted by Sal_Kings Quote: Originally Posted by VonLeeuwen I'm sure people will ask money to script for you. Why would they do that? I mean we are just scr...
Well I just typed this (didn't post ughn) Try to debug by typing prints along the function and see what one it stops on. I suspect the crash is in one of the functions you are calling and not the on...
Well for the god knows how manyith time. You really can't do the checks outside of the commands because when you type a command Zcmd redirects DIRECTLY to the command so the only place where you can s...
Well hmmmm I'll try to answer as much as I don't have a strong ability to piece together broken English (No offense) Quote: This prevents me to put if(padmin[playerid] == 1) Sadl...
Quote: Originally Posted by G Spot © Most people could care less about admin. they want money to script. Anyways, gl. Sorry here can't help myself but I noticed "they want money to s...
pawn Код: new Float:PlayerHP[MAX_PLAYERS];forward OnPlayerHealthReduced(playerid, Float:hp);public OnPlayerConnect(playerid){    PlayerHP = 100.0;    return 1;}public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid){...
Quote: Originally Posted by sizeof(Sky)); I'll write out the command, give me two minutes, and i'll edit the post. pawn Код: cmd(afk, playerid, params[]){    new string[128], name[M...
Tested, couldn't work better. You didn't copy paste something right oh and make sure your new Float:X,Float:Y,Float:Z; is only at the top.
Either you didn't put in the new keypress code or maybe you didn't put the onplayerspawn code on the very top of onplayerspawn otherwise I'm not quite sure I'll take your snippet and see if it works.
Tell me how the test run goes I'd like to know if that system works for more then just me and my ability to duct-tape workarounds XD With love, The Reymon
Top of script pawn Код: new Shamaloff[MAX_PLAYERS]; New Shamal exit code pawn Код: #define PRESSED(%0) \    (((newkeys & (%0)) == (%0)) && ((oldkeys & (%0)) != (%0)))new In...
Well this is the most help I can give but, I've had the same crap with turning spectate off the thing I realized was when spectate is toggled off it completely resets you and triggers OnPlayerSpawn. W...
Try this hon. You will probobly want to indent that correctly but thats something you have to do :P Код: if(strcmp(cmd, "/unjail", true) == 0) { tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx); if(!strlen(tmp)) retu...
As much as I'd hate giving this away but the way to do it is changing ProxDetector. Replace public ProxDetector to the one I modded to only chat in same Virtual World.... Код: public ProxDetector...