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Yeah, does not work. killerid is always invalid :/
Indeed, toggle it would be good. Imagine the great new laserpointer solid...
correct nothing else wrong unintened assignment means: it thinks you want to set it to 1. but you want to check if its 1 you could also check if its not 1 with != 1
if(IsCaptured[playerid] == 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, YELLOW, "You can't escape now.");
Yeah, confirmed. Annoying as hell...
The player in that video hit F4 to return to class selection after his death. The Server he played had no class-selection as it looks.(see here
Quote: Quote: Originally Posted by am0k dont allow them to teleport in the ammunation then... Its ins LS and people from there are allowed to use the ammunations for a un-abuse kind...
dont allow them to teleport in the ammunation then...
textdraws not getting destroyed (correctly) i have some publics wich worked flawless in 0.2X but now they refuse to work^^ Код: public TimeTextForPlayer( playerid, Text:text, time ) { TextDra...
your on 120DPI change to 96DPI in windows settings
Max. Vehicle Models : 127 maybe that
Quote: Originally Posted by dre$tA error 033: array must be indexed (variable "model") ya this forum, its if (model [ i ]!=0) Код: stock Debug() { new tmpVeh; tmpVeh = CreateV...
go to Unity station do /interior to see in wich interior you are. you need to do SetPlayerInterior(playerid, interior) at OnplayerSpawn() this way he will spawn in the interior not in the air but if ...
wow cool so after passing the player id, let it check if player has not logged in. then i have done killtimer event on succesfull login so logged in persons dont get renamed lol it looks like it is ...
of found the error myself, i had to do SetTimerEx("Namechange",10000,false,"i",playerid); to pass the player id. only problem now is that if you do appropriate login in time, name still gets changed...
Hello I want to modify the ladmin4v2 script, so that if a user has registered a nickname and doesnt login within 15 seconds, he gets a random name assigned. So nobody can fake a registered nickname ...