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Install C++ runtime library.
Quote: Originally Posted by Kalcor There is not much truth to that. The method of syncing GTA used by SA-MP is called "player context switching" and it was originally designed by me in 200...
Quote: Originally Posted by DVDK No, but it's better to just call the functions then using memory injections. Do you know what are you talking about?
Quote: Originally Posted by Calgon The current sync is fine as it is. If you're going to bring up the 'MTA HAS GUD SYNC BETR DAN SAMPR!!1' argument, then you should probably consider that ...
Quote: Originally Posted by DarrenReeder Ah, so it basicly looks for where certain stuff is stored when playing GTA? so, where your gun slot 1, slot 2, slot 3 etc. is stored, then they use...
Quote: Originally Posted by DarrenReeder How is reverse engineering used to make samp? It's still used for memory addresses and stuff. Let's say you want to set player's money, but sin...
Quote: Originally Posted by ev0lutionnn Yes... you meant UDP, which has the issues you claim to be the cause of my problem. You say this despite this plugin clearly being TCP. And your sol...
Quote: Originally Posted by ev0lutionnn SA-MP uses UDP, and this is a TCP plugin. You could only send data to other servers using this plugin. Great update, StrickenKid, although it seems...
Nice, it will allow users many things! I'm currently making a RakNet plugin (similar to this) Edit: RakNet & PAWN SDK incompatibility issues fixed Also, windows link is down.
PAWN code should be using PAWN highlighting not C++.
Your code is unoptimized. You are creating too much textdraws instead of using ~n~. Also, I'd not call it a filterscript.
As Vince said, you need to have Incognito's audio and streamer plugin. Make sure you are using the correct files for your operating system: If you are using Windows use .dll, otherwise use .so Make s...
Be sure you are using GTA:SA 1.0, if you have a higher version, use a downgrade patch, which can be found on the forums too. If you are trying to use 0.3b on Linux, it will not work until the SA:MP d...
Awesome work! Very useful for anticheats. I will surely use it. Thanks!
It's possible, but the peds would not be synced for everyone, because it would be impossible to sync thousands of peds. Also, it would be pointless imo.
Quote: Originally Posted by [R HydraX ] Textdraws Limit String Length 1024 characters Shown In A Single Client's Screen 92 Created Serverwise 2048 So I have to change it to 1024 sinc...
Nice, altought if someone uses a bit too much text formatting (~n~ ~r~ etc..), it will crash. You could count these and if it reaches the limit then create a new textdraw for it.