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public OnPlayerSave(playerid) { if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) { if(gPlayerLogged[playerid]) { new string3[32]; new pname3[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName(playerid, pname3, sizeof(pnam...
All filterscripts are off, I've double checked it I think there is something else in my script wich bugs, but can't find it
Nope, I don't I've got a Register/login system, but that only saves on disconnect and load in login if I am right
192 = On Player Death
Hey I've got 1 bug Almost got my GM finished, but there is one thing my mate told me(i've check it, he's right) When you die, The money is resetted Me and my mates check the whole OnPlayerDeath, On...
Yeah, gTeam[playerid] = TEAM_RED; gTeam[playerid] = TEAM_BLUE;
Hey I need help with something Want to make a Team deathmatch with 2 teams (defined etc, works okay) but when Team_RED kills a team_blue, i want that they get a score point or something and when the ...
Anybody got a suggestion what to map/script now?
After a long time, I decided to start mapping/scripting again so here I am This is my work, wich didn't took me that long because it is just a sample house to live in. Commands to open the gate /sf...
Hello Can some1 help me with a command I am in need of It is the following idea I fill in (as admin) /nocmd 0 Than player 0 is not able to use any of these commands Can some1 help me with this?
Does anybody get it? I don't understand his english
Just a timer wich can be called with something like /startkart then it creates a object in front of all the players ( just 1 object, already found it) and then calls 5 seconds after 5 seconds the obje...
Hello I am in need of the following thing but don't know how to create it A command wich create a object (i can do this), starts a timer (5 seconds) and when the timer is over the object is destroy...
Hello I made a simple auto repair script It uses a timer, wich check if you get under 100 carhealth. You can edit the healthcheck at line 34/36 Download: Pastebin Mediafire
1) Cause I want to get in with the f*cking car, Not with a bike 2) Cause it is a bug of you, Make a Rcon gate or admin gate ;|
im so so so sorry for you, there a new team : SA:MP mapper team invited me and & team will make big Rpg mode need me to map for them , u are loser nooob hhahahha i got 5 invites and u nuthing beca...
We have made a new hq It is located in San Fiero, at the roof of a building There is 1 gate -Maingate: /9maino /9mainc -Elevator: /9liftu /9liftd -Garage: /9garageo /9garagec Some screenhosts -Heli...