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How is your user data saved? I see how you GetPlayerHealth but whats your saving method.
Quote: Originally Posted by Bug. Код: G:\CokeTDM [0.3e]\gamemodes\NpTDM.pwn(707) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero G:\CokeTDM [0.3e]\gamemodes\NpTDM.pwn(707) : error 017: u...
Alright thanks, but those cars are around year 200 and up if thats still considered to be new lol
I've been searching for this mod everywhere and have yet to come across it. If anyone can find it and send it to me, or create it i'll give them a +Rep
All i can really say is when you do a tutorial about saving a players position its important that you include virtual world, and interior support. If a player logs out in an interior using this code,...
Are the coordinates correct? Thats the first thing you should check.
Quote: Originally Posted by Breto Something like this.. ? pawn Код: //---------------------------------[Siren]---------------------------------------------    if(strcmp(cmd, "/siren...
Quote: Originally Posted by DaRkAnGeL[NBK] press H <3 .....That was a useless post its obvious i mean for cars other than Police cars, for instance undercover cars, the siren command...
I have tried a few different versions of this command and to no avail it hasnt worked. Either It'll Compile properly but IG do nothing, or it'll give me errors that mess with my Anti-DeAmx, Prox-Detec...
Try "public" instead of "PUBLIC" pawn Код: public SetPlayerSpawn(playerid){    if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid))    {        new rand;        new house = SpielerInfo[playerid][pPhousek...
I wanted to make it so when someone speaks in local chat, a chat animation will be done, then stop/clear animation after a few seconds. How would i do this? Cause right now the anim will start but whe...
I made a Roleplay script from scratch, i tested a cmd on my local host first to verify that a command i implemented worked properly, (CMD:addpickup). And it works perfectly on my local host. Now when ...
Im a level 1339 Admin on my server, and using this goto command pawn Код: CMD:goto(playerid, params[]){    if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] < 1)    {        if(isnull(params))       ...
Cause the cmd for those three warnings on 204-206 is commented out for right now its just CMD:invite that im working out some things in it. And as far as the other warning with defining "CMD" all i d...
Line 4008 is non existant, its refering to me not using Lines 204-206 pawn Код: new InviteOffer[MAX_PLAYERS];//204new InviteFaction[MAX_PLAYERS];//205new InviteFamily[MAX_PLAYERS];//206       ...
I have 4 Warnings from commands that are in developement that arent related to the addpickup command but heres the warnings. pawn Код: C:\Users\Tab\Desktop\True Roleplay [0.3c]\True Roleplay [0.3c...
Quote: Originally Posted by SmiT Did you included streamer? Yeah i included Streamer, but now whneever i type /addpickup it crashes the server for some reason.