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Or just use y_lang and avoid complicate your life. Or this:
I don't understand why people have to complicate their life by adding such useless and repeated checks. pawn Code: if(gPlayerLogged[playerid] == 0) You're already checking if the player is connecte...
Panels, doors, lights & tires are ALL integers. And in this case, as the wheel says, integers should be saved with the %d specifier. Unless you're saving vehicle health (which is a FLOAT - so %f...
You got it, the problem was the mispelling of garageOwnerName. Now it works but there is a problem. garageOwnerName is saved as "e" garageVaultMoney as 45 Why? It should be null for both.
That's because you're adding an extra specifier where is not needed. Eg: pawn Код: VALUES (%d, %d %d), pname, accountid);
Try changing your command processor. You're currently using "cmd" (idk what is), try zcmd or izcmd.
So what if i have TotalKills? Do i need to open, read, write and close everytiime the serverstats.ini file on every kill?
Nas thank you, i removed the second break and it works, thanks!
Thanks but doesn't work. As you can see, i'm at a random spawnpoint (random spawn), and the textdraw is supposed to show above the radar, but nothing. This is the textdraw code: pawn Code: Spawn...
Can someone tell me why this code doesn't show the SpawnpointTD even if i'm at the spawnpoint? pawn Code: for(new j; j < MAX_RANDOM_SPAWNS; j++){    if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 3, RandomSpawn[...
@Lirbo: As i can see you haven't read my post. I don't need a random spawn system (which i have it already), but i just need the IsInRangeOfPoint check. @Pizzy: What?
I need a way to loop through this coordinates and check if the player is in a range of them. pawn Code: static const Float:RandomSpawn[][4] ={    {1320.7914,1262.0884,10.8203,357.0813},    {408....
Why do i have to set a tag? And where? Shouldn't the enum handle everything since i save it on OnGameModeExit? And 24 hours have passed.
Code: update yourplayerstable set skill_level_name = 0
Yeah just tried now. Problem is, the generated code is in this way: -EKS-8TV-0D6-KCA-WMV It's possible to remove the - at the start of the code? I need it like this: EKS-8TV-0D6-KCA-WMV