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By the way, should you set some variable on the server side to store the health of each player, and avoid the cheaters? Something like this: PHP код: //OnPlayerConnect Player_Info[playerid][p...
Quote: Originally Posted by Kasichok OnPlayerTakeDamage When a player falls from a height and is injured or explodes with the '/ burn' command, is the callback also called?
I have a personalized health bar, the question is: What callback should I use to update the new bar? 'OnPlayerUpdate', 'OnPlayerTakeDamage' or 'OnPlayerGiveDmage'?
Quote: Originally Posted by ConnorW switching the weapon OnPlayerWeaponShot and using a variable to save ammo whenever you give them weapon or they buy it. Is it the only way to do that?
How can I detect the player's current ammunition and the remaining ammunition to recharge the weapon? Example: "7/14", "7" are the bullets that the weapon currently has and '14' is the available ammun...
Someone who can answer my question? I want to know if it's what I'm looking for.
I am creating a game mode in which I want the music and sounds to be played immediately to all the players at the same time when the code is executed. 'PlayAudioStreamForPlayer' plays the music depend...
Yes, because if you are level 1, then to go up to level 2 you need 12 of xp, and if you are level 2 you need 24 of xp to go up to level 3 and so on. Everything depends on the level of the player. "PL...
PHP код: new test= PLAYER_LEVEL[playerid] * 12; new Float:size = 514.0 + (604.0 - 514.0) * (PLAYER_EXP[playerid]/test); 
The calculation you gave me is still not working.
Then you must use DIALOG_STYLE_LIST instead of DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX
Clearly if it should work. PHP код: //OnPlayerConnect  ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_LANGUAGE, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{0092FF}Bienvenido | Welcome", "{FFFFFF}Por favor, elija el ...
I do not think this is recommended or constantly used. I have seen and downloaded several servers and in their game mode they use textdraw to create those bars (that's why I say that I do not think it...
PHP код: public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])  {      switch(dialogid)      {          case DIALOG_LANGUAGE:          ...
I have a problem with this exp bar created with textdraw. The bar is not precise, by this I mean that it does not increase depending on the variables of the player. There are also times where your exp...
I have always used 'SetPlayerPos' in 'OnPlayerSpawn' and in 'OnPlayerDeath' I only adjust the player's score (it is a multimode freeroam server). Should I use 'SetSpawnInfo' in 'OnPlayerDeath' and re...
Which is more recommendable, use 'SetPlayerPos' in 'OnPlayerSpawn' or 'SetSpawnInfo' in 'OnPlayerDeath'?
Ok, I will use 'OnPlayerUpdate'. If I had used a timer, would it go to OnPlayerConnect?
Oh thanks. This is the answer I was looking for. By the way, is not it necessary to use a timer instead of 'OnPlayerUpdate'?