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Quote: Originally Posted by Kaliber What does incccLowerBlood does? And remove SpawnPlayer from OnPlayerDeath oh, thank you for the solution ... I have solved this problem ... the so...
So, I want to make after the player dies, will return to the position where he died with injured status. But what happens instead is that the player is sent to the blueberry chord, and sends "You're i...
But, in this case isn't it if "fname = CheckPlayerFactName(playerid);" The fname should match the faction name right? (SAPD, SAMD, etc) I can just use "if", but I'm trying to use the "switch" method ...
Quote: Originally Posted by RogueDrifter :3 Its because :3 you defined a variable :3 locally :3 and tried using it :3 globally :3 so instead :3 you should move the line :3 Код: new non...
guys... what's wrong with this code? :3 PHP код: CheckPlayerFactName(playerid) {     new fact = pInfo[playerid][pFaction];     new none, SAPD, SAMD, SANA, SAGS;     if(fact...
PHP код: BanPlayer(playerid, bannerid, time[] = "PERMANENT", reason[] = "No Reason Given") {     new query[256], ip[16], string[256];     UpdatePlayerData(playerid, 1);  ...