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Quote: Originally Posted by Baboon Thanks, was it due to copyright issues? I meant I saw it in the other thread so it was cool to see the video
You can put UsePlayerPedAnims(); under OnGameModeInit
Do you mean so they don't have to login again? You could compare the IP connected to the previously authenticated IP by storing the IP as a string and comparing it on connect.
I suppose it would appear that your datas size is bigger then 132 bytes? I could be wrong but try this change new string[160]; to new string[500]; and change both lines of sscanf(InformatioN, "p<...
You don't even have to worry about them, they aren't errors but warnings indicating you created those but they were never used. You can simply comment them out however with //
216 It's here.
Try commenting these out one by one and seeing what happens. I believe your issue is happening in these functions, but we need to figuire out which one. Quote: CargarHouses(); CargarFac...
Sounds like you have a server sided money system and are using the SAMP defaults to affect money. So if you go GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -500) it instantly goes down and goes back up again? Look in y...
Are you sure this is setup correctly apartmentsVariables[id][apPos][0]?
Quote: stock SetPlayerFacingObject(playerid, object) { new Float:Px, Float:Py, Float: Pa; new Float,Float:y,Float:z; GetDynamicObjectPos(object, x, y, z); GetPlayerP...
Do you see a confirmation of the plugin version being loaded in the server_log.txt?