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1. define a new variable in which you will store the seller's id. Код: new Seller[MAX_PLAYERS]; 2. assign that variable in /sellweapons: Код: Seller[giveplayerid] = playerid; 3. Give the mon...
Thanks for releasing such a gamemode. I have faced the following errors: 1. We can't register more than 1 account 2. Security answer is not accepted
I could't find such an error. If you are free, I can send you the code to check it. (I'm sorry for my late response )
I understood the code and added it but i get this error. error 017: undefined symbol "INVALID_ITERATOR_SLOT" I can not find the latest version of y_iterate
I'm not experienced at using iterators. afterall, thanks for your help i will check the code and check iterators tutorial.
Do you mean the cmd which creates a tree? Trees go through 3 processes only: 1. creation ( using cmd /createtree ) 2. loading trees on server start 3. destroying trees on server shutdown PHP ко...
Tree id 0 is not available. I started counting trees from 1. ( i used to start counting from 0 but the same bug occured )
The 3d label of the first index is not shown while it woks fine with other indices. PHP код: public loadtrees() {     print("Loading trees");     for(new g = 1; g < MAX_TREE...
While running the new lumberjack job i scripted, I found the following error [17:25:08] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds" [17:25:08] [debug] Accessing element at index 10 past ar...
that's weird.. [Thu Oct 25 20:22:44 2018] ------------------------- [Thu Oct 25 20:22:44 2018] Logging Started [Thu Oct 25 20:22:44 2018] ------------------------- [Thu Oct 25 20:23:20 2018] ---...
I found a bug :O. Stats are not saved. Here is the code for SavePlayer func. forward SavePlayer(playerid); public SavePlayer(playerid) { new query[1000]; new string[800] ; format(string, size...
Thanks so much,@zues and @v1k1nG. It has been fixed.
oh, It's my bad :v. Thanks for your fast response
I have already got the mysql plugin and + mysql plugin is loaded in server.cfg as the following lines show: echo Executing Server Config... lanmode 0 rcon_password NEWSERVER maxplayers...
Hello over there, I'm a beginner at dealing with MySQL hence I'm getting the following errors when i run samp-server.exe: I use these includes: Th...