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Quote: Originally Posted by Calisthenics You can avoid the 2 loops if you use streamer. In data manipulation, there is an item in enumerator called E_STREAMER_EXTRA_ID. When you create the...
Hello. In a house system, when player stands near the entrance pickup of a house, and types /buyhouse, he gets a dialog, which he should either submit or cancel, if player submits it, then on response...
The problem with 2 separate threaded queries is that i need to SELECT the data that i just inserted (inside of the callback of mysql_tquery), because i set default values (e.g. level: 1) in mysql tabl...
So i am using SA-MP-MySQL R41-4, and when a player registers a new account, a query for adding a new row in the table of users is made by mysql_tquery function. Recently i added a system of inventory ...
Hi. I've seen a lot of samp gamemodes (mostly roleplay), and in those gamemodes they nearly always use linear search for iterating through all houses on server in order to enter a house by a command o...