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Quote: Originally Posted by willbedie Why would you use R39 while the last update of MySQL is R41-4 thats like saying why do you use samp 037 when the last update is 03dl
i want to put a romance inside of you
Quote: Originally Posted by Romero837 How could I put restrictions on commands, that is, in an event system, if I enter the event I can not use the command, I already have the variable boo...
Quote: Originally Posted by KinderClans That's why i said "if im not wrong". and that's why he corrected you.
Quote: Originally Posted by Dayrion It will freeze the server and prevent other code running. That's a veryyyyyyy bad idea. That's why I said it's useful if there's a new server and the...
Quote: Originally Posted by Y_Less What is the advantage of this over github gist? not many people expected YuTube getting banned
Quote: Originally Posted by ****** Since I can't currently view the code (put it on github and make it a sampctl module please) I'll ask here - what about this makes it "innovative" over o...
Quote: Originally Posted by RogueDrifter Very very nice cant wait to see it finished keep it up Thanks, yeah I'll try to finish it.
Anti Cheat Tips [*] Know what you're doing Before you want to counter a cheat, you need to consider these questions: What is the cheat? How will this cheat affect the server? Can this cheat be counte...
serverHang Hangs/pauses your server for what ever reason you would want it to. param 1 = seconds param 2 = bool How it can be used: Код: If a server would like to release at a specific time, then...
Quote: Originally Posted by BiosMarcel Why not use one of the million existing tools though? What's your "selling" point? There are: - Pastebin - Hastebin - gist - More ... Some of them...
Quote: Originally Posted by Gammix Pastebin wtf how is that not censored Quote: Originally Posted by TheToretto Hey there, I like the concept but for the first code I try,...
1,015 To make everyone in the communtiy proud, I have introduced Paste(Copy)bin for those people who need to quickly paste text which will get uploaded on the web-server. This is useful f...
1,015 didn't live long.
PHP Code: /* MADE BY BRAUF */ public OnPlayerStateChange(playerid, newstate, oldstate) {     if(newstate == PLAYER_STATE_PASSENGER) // if passenger state is = passenger    ...