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Quote: Originally Posted by Uberanwar I know right, but you can still claim the game into your account though.. And download/install it later on I actually can run GTA V but on very-ver...
The gamers with shit PC feels the pain. I do too..
If you need a plugin for this bot then post in plugins section, same for include to includes. None of them, then in fs.
All drivers are fine to you, I mean are they up-to-date.
I'm sure that was pewpiepoo
SAMP doing well last month, most of these 1000/1000 are fake because they use bots.
This wouldn't be possible without corona virus. Congratulations
I've played it when it had a good amount of players. I will always remember an amazing people and admins and those are P3pSy, Nightmare and Hydra (such a sweet and calm guy) and you ofc. I heard you a...
Quote: Originally Posted by Pottus This is simply too basic to be a release. As we are talking about a something is "too basic to be a release", let's go back in 2013 and your "basic" r...
Yes, presentation is good, can't say the same for the code.
Quote: Originally Posted by NameName daaaaaamn dude at first i thought its gonna be shit, but then i was like "fuuuuck, this is masterpiece" haha xD good job brother we need more content l...
Would it be possible to set a textures to a vehicle parts (doors, wheels, trunk) in future like we can do with objects ?
@Kalcor or anyone else. Would it be possible to set a textures to a vehicle parts (doors, wheels, trunk) in future like we can do with objects ?