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pawn Код: #define randomEx(%0,%1) floatround(random((%1) - (%0)) + (%0))PlayerInfo[targetid][pCellNumber] = randomEx(10000, 99999);
Well first of all I don't think it's wise to continuously kick the targetid in your for loop, cause then it'll kick them for every admin online in the server. If you save your ban information on disco...
Try to call a timer to delay giving a deagle to the player? pawn Код: else{SetTimerEx("GivePlayerWeaponEx", 500, false, "iii", playerid, 24, 100);}forward GivePlayerWeaponEx(playerid, wep, ammo);...
If you wanna make a fuel capacity per vehicle model you can set that all up yourself, or you can use this one with a 30 max capacity just like your SS. pawn Код: new Float:Fuel[MAX_VEHICLES];new ...
Try and just use a timer and a variable I guess?
I updated your code so it's a little.. smaller lol. pawn Код: new WeaponInfo[MAX_PLAYERS][13][2];public OnPlayerConnect(playerid){    new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];    GetPlayerName(playerid, nam...
In the command you can do something like.. pawn Код: SetPVarInt(targetid, "Duelerid", playerid); Then you use it with GetPVarInt(playerid, "Duelerid") in OnDialogResponse. Will probably complic...
Quote: Originally Posted by Infinity Sounds very legit. When you start to make serious claims/accusations such as the above, always include some source or proof to comfirm it. Fair enou...
Quote: Originally Posted by Riddy I'd like to see some sauces for that. There is no page about it, someone told and showed me my own password for it over a skype screen share call, if I...
Here I made this.. Whatever it is. pawn Код: #include <a_samp>#define MAX_LOC 3enum _Locs{    BizName[64], Float:MinX, Float:MinY, Float:MaxX, Float:MaxY}new Locs[MAX_LOC][_Locs] ={    ...
From what I see.. Quote: dini_Set(PlayerFile(strings),"Pass",dini_Get(PlayerFile(playerid),"Pass")); For all of them, should be: Quote: dini_Set(PlayerFile(playerid)...
Well, first of all.. You might want to make the 3D text label 'AFK' a global variable, with a MAX_PLAYERS size, because re-creating the same variable within a command will not delete the right text la...
What do you mean when you click on your car, and who is them? Your don't want your cars to tp to who??
Simply copy one of those integer loads/saves and like SetPlayerScore and GivePlayerMoney, you'd do SetPlayerSkin. I would put that part in OnPlayerSpawn though.