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Quote: Originally Posted by HeLiOn_PrImE It's impractical to attempt calling people out this way. There are more efficient ways of connecting with people who share the same interests. I do...
I'll admit that the post could've been worded/articulated better so the points of this discussion could've been misunderstood. I'm not blaming developers or anyone really, it's not my intention so apo...
No, a roleplay server's administration and management are accountable for the identity of a server, besides the location, they're based in. This means writing lore, rules, etc. There isn't much varian...
I've been roleplaying for a while, and not just on GTA, but everytime I come back to sa-mp I see the same exact archetypes, tropes and memes. Same servers, characters, you name it. There's been a few ...