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I have this php code that converts ******* video into mp3, but when you place the ******* link it does not play anything, I think it is the page does not work, is this someone knows another web to con...
I already managed to connect, what I did was create a database in the phpMyAdmin with the name of the database, without using table CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXIST within the gm, I did not know, is it corr...
I'm using MySQL version R41-4 in windows, I want to connect it to localhost. I am testing with the same purebred code that creates the database that comes in the mysql plugin but when turning on the s...
PHP код: Failed (/lib/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.20' not found (required by plugins/  The plugin does not load, already tried to install the dependency libstdc...
Quote: Originally Posted by CodeStyle175 your code contains infinity loop. Yes, I use infinite loops
Hello, I have a problem, my server is frozen, this happens twice a day when players connect there is no specific value, sometimes they enter 15 or more, or sometimes with only 2 players, the server fr...
I really have no idea about this but I found this: Can you serve me?
PHP код: Loading plugin: [11:52:25]   Failed (/lib/ version `CXXABI_1.3.9' not found (required by plugins/  Any solution ?
Quote: Originally Posted by Sew_Sumi Check forum rules, 24 hour bumps only. Code: if(Car[playerid] != 0) DestroyVehicle(Car[playerid]); Car[playerid] = CreateVehicle(modelid, X, Y, Z, A...
Quote: Originally Posted by Sew_Sumi The respawn param is set to -1, so that's disabled. CrearAuto is only recreating the vehicle they were in.
PHP Code: CrearAuto(playerid, modelid) { new Auto, Float: X, Float: Y, Float: Z, Float: Angulo; if(GetPlayerState(playerid) == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER) { Auto = GetPlayerVehicleID(player...
The error is at a. I realized that these are not the functions I use. These are : PHP код: stock GetClosestPlayer(playerid, Float:dis) {     new x, Float:dis2, player;     playerÂ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Cell_ As expected when the code doesn't find a player in range of your limit, it will return INVALID_PLAYER_ID, so basically add this code after the new victimi...
Quote: Originally Posted by Cell_ From the data you have provided, I am guessing victimid is out of bounds, i.e, < 0 or > MAX_PLAYERS, assuming the User array is sized MAX_PLAYERS. W...
Quote: Originally Posted by HoNEYKISS This might help you I had already seen that post but I still do not see the problem
PHP код: if(Team[playerid] == Zombies && User[playerid][USER_MINIJUE]==0 && User[playerid][USER_Evento] == 0 && User[playerid][USER_TipoD]==0 && newk...
All includes are updated and downloaded from the official pages. I had to remove the native printf and print from the a_samp and compile it well. Is it advisable to do this ??
Quote: Originally Posted by TroS Thats not the problem, I just want him to show the code and I will fix it. I do not have any code with the simple fact of adding the include a_samp give...