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Quote: Originally Posted by SacrificeGaming What is if(Adminlevelofplayer[playerid] == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, "You are not authorized to use that command."); ...
if its not an missed bracket above, try this Код: CMD:aduty(playerid, params[]) { if(Adminlevelofplayer[playerid] == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, "You are not authorized ...
possibly unintended assignment Код: CMD:duty(playerid, params[]) { if(IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) { if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "Duty") == 0) // (==) instead of (=) in conditinal if { ...
Doesn't matter , the place in which the bug appeared, or simply post all your gamemode on pastebin if you have a trouble in finding where is the bug (in range of 1k line)
Can you show us your codes?
I'm sorry i didn't see your videos. You are starting the timer before camera move or after camera's stop ?
Guys , i don't need to fix the code. its just an example. my problem is the whole code is not responding if it putted under onplayerdisconnect also under a loop. thats all same code with same function...
Quote: Originally Posted by Dayrion This is not OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid), it's OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason) Mehhhhh. i expected that. its just a test code to explain what i ...
Linux is windows type , i want to know which OPS you are running with. because i had similar problem when i was in 0.3x , in a second all players were timing out even npcs , and come back quick with t...
I don't understand why you need a code. anyways here is it Код: public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason) // loops didn't work while they do same functions { for(new i=0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i+...
Quote: Originally Posted by PepsiCola23 do you have a specific timer for people to connect and then you kick them if they don`t? I don't think so , this error is by samp, if a player to...
I want to know why the same code of onplayerdeath that contain loops , doesn't work under onplayerdisconnect. and nothing happened after.
is loops working under onplayerdisconnected callback ? , because its seems to be not working right there.
More illustrate, please. there are a few ways to remove spawn buttons as SetSpawnInfo for example , or force spawn whenever any player connect. please provide your codes. may we can assist you with yo...
Код: public OnGameModeInit() { CreateDynamicCP(2237.7654, 2548.5410, 29.3060, 3); }
the checkpoint doesn't placed on the place i had setted. for more illustration. what exactly happening is , when checkpoint spawns. the checkpoint become downside the pos it supposed to be at. but doe...
Quote: Originally Posted by Dayrion Doesn't seem helpful on multi arrays at all. i used to get data easily from 1 array , and even...
How can i know what is the data filled inside the first array , for example: Код: enum GANGSTUFFS { stuffs, stuffs2 }; new gangstuff[MAX_GANGS][GANGSTUFFS]; i don't need anything from ga...
Did you try to make a cooldown between them ? it not, try and send us results. i'm pretty sure thats out of this code , try to look on all functions changing playervw or camerapos's
Haunter / hydra using rocketlauncher / minigun weapons and you have to take a look on this , wiki says that if the player take damage by invalid playe...