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Quote: Originally Posted by ****** You are right in that it is simple, but I believe there's a gap in your thinking. You do "ServerHours + number", but then what happens to the result? Y...
Ok, so I have the below code, and actually several places in my entire code where I would like to increase something by [number], but I just cant figure out how its done, I am sure its something simpl...
Quote: Originally Posted by Sandiel Hmmm....It should work, are you sure that your server loads fine, no errors, or anything? Also, if you are getting errors while compiling, post the line...
Quote: Originally Posted by Sandiel Try this: pawn Code: public OnGameModeInit(){    SetTimer("IsPlayerInArea", 1000, true);    return 1;} pawn Code: forward IsPlayerInArea();public ...
When the player is not near the point. The point is at Fort Carson, that town is a safe zone, everywhere outside of the area is dangerous and your health will drain.
I am still having issues with this, does anyone have any suggestions? (Yeah this is a bump, but it should be fine now, been a few days :P ) It would be really nice to get this working. Thanks!
Quote: Originally Posted by pasha97 Try this: pawn Код: // My code that displays for all vehicles, not just the ones listedpublic OnPlayerEnterVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, ispassenger...
I am wanting to have some functions only run if the vehicle id is a certain vehicle model. I know that || is supposed to mean "or" when in an "if" So that if I did something like: pawn Код: // M...
I just recently did something like this, and it writes it properly, I am still having issues with the loading of weapons though, but I use this code everywhere I want to save... may be a little clunky...
Quote: Originally Posted by iGetty pawn Code: public isPlayerInArea() // change "forward isPlayerInArea(playerid);", to "forward isPlayerInArea();"{    for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS...
I am having a slight issue with a timer and some stuff :P I am trying to create a zone by using pawn Code: if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 700.0, -118.3844, 1151.4380, 19.5938)) That gives me a...
Quote: Originally Posted by [HiC]TheKiller hp[3] is already an integer :P. Anyway, just change pawn Код: SetPlayerHealth(playerid, hp[3]); To pawn Код: SetPlayerHealth(playerid,...
Quote: Originally Posted by VincentDunn Try using strval to convert hp[3] to an integer. pawn Код: new health = strval(hp[3]);SetPlayerHealth(playerid, health); This seems to inst...
Hi, I have been trying to create a /sethp command, where you would type Код: /sethp [number] example: /sethp 42 The command system I am using is y_commands, though I don't think that would change ...
Hey! I was playing around trying to make a game mode on my own... gave up :P I don't have the time or skill to make a mode like this from scratch, I have the idea, but not the time or skill. It will...