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Does AddStaticVehicle makes a vehicle that doesn't respawn? If not, tell me how i make it never respawn
Is there is anyway i can set Objects and Pickups interior
Guys, i'm trying to make RP test before registering but the 3 options is the same as the question itself here is the code PHP код: new RQ = random(sizeof(Questions)); new Str[200], Str2[20...
Quote: Originally Posted by Eoussama Why does everyone keep the answer for themselves? you could have posted the fix or at least edited your thread to include it, that way you can help peo...
Quote: Originally Posted by Arthur Kane How are you using SendFadeMessage? In /s EDIT: I fixed it, stupid me.
Guys, I know how to use the IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint but it tells me to put a radius, is that radius in meter or kilometer or what? Can you help me?
Quote: Originally Posted by adammal I don't know exactly how your code is structured, but I'll give you an example using an enumerator. Lets say your objects are stored in the enumerator ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Eoussama If you're using streamer, use this function EditDynamicObject, and this callback OnPlayerEditDynamicObject I want something like this. https://www.y...
Hello guys, if you have played limitless script before, you probably noticed how you can buy clothing and attach them in your skin, and also the way you build your lands, you have 3 lines going in the...
Hey is there anyway i can make the list dialog bigger?, because i need to fit more text in it.
Quote: Originally Posted by Meller uhm, i cant bother reading that code, you could've easily done this: PHP код: rpname(playerid) {     new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];     Get...
Note: I posted this before, but people seem to stop replying, and i still need help Hello guys, i made this function to return the player name without the "_" but it returns nothing at all Here's the...
Quote: Originally Posted by PeterLinkson PHP код: NomeRP(playerid) //Author: ??? and PeterLinkson {     new Name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];     GetPlayerName(playerid, Name, M...
Quote: Originally Posted by RIDE2DAY Show the format and SendClientMessage part. PHP код: public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) {     new Str[200];     format(Str, sizeof(S...
Quote: Originally Posted by RIDE2DAY This should do the job: PHP код: public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) {     new msg[36];     format(msg, sizeof(msg), "Welcome %s!", G...
Quote: Originally Posted by JustNothing How you used it? Because I just tested it and for me it works... In a SendClientMessage when the player joins. i even added a client message in t...
Quote: Originally Posted by JustNothing stock RPname(playerid) { new playerName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName(playerid, playerName, MAX_PLAYER_NAME); for(new c; c < strlen(player...
Hello guys, i made this function to return the player name without the "_" but it returns nothing at all Here's the code PHP код: stock RPname(playerid) {     new playerName[MAX_PLAYER...
That's cuz of the localhost..