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@Famalamalam Could u make it more clear,please? @Jstylezzz in phpmyadmin i enabled login from every ip, in mysql config on ubuntu i have commented bind-address. If i using only 1 connection (with seco...
ehh i'm not stupid ;p on my pc i have it filled
mysql_log.txt ** I have something like that: Код: [18:35:11] --------------------------- [18:35:11] MySQL Debugging activated (10/08/17) [18:35:11] --------------------------- [18:35:11] [18:3...
I have GameMode with MySQL systems, i created new filterscript, which has a task to do - sending messages to shoutbox table on other server. Code fs: Код: #include <samp/a_samp> #include <...
Hello, At first apologize for my english, i'm from Poland. I have a problem, I can't connect with second database which is on other server. Is there any solution to this? Regards