Search Results
Nice filterscript, I downloaded it.
This speech is a good motivation. Well done. Congratulations & good luck with a new record 200 players+
Been in sa-mp since 2010. It's almost 2020 year so basically it's been 10 years for me being member of this great gaming community. I still remember first day of playing sa-mp with my real life friend...
Unique and nice map. Good job. I like it.
Quote: Originally Posted by dugi You can't do it in single player either. A question. What about clothes change? Will we can buy them for CJ in samp?
Awesome release! 10/10 +REP
Not bad 7/10 Some objects need fixing btw
Looking for discord Moderators and Music DJays for my sa-mp community. Are you skilled person? Conact me by PM.
History of creation/foundation Well this server can be considered as successor server of my previous project Young Society Freeroam. I decided to change server name because YSF had more founders exce...
I believe he is real one because real FunKy was active everyday. I even pm'ed him and he did not respond, he went inactive.
Well I don't agree with Kenton, first map is indeed simple but guy made boths for combination So in total it's a good job! 3.5/5 +Rep
Not fan of CnR gamemodes but this gamemode seems like professional Good release!
Update YSI include and sscanf include+plugin to latest
Quote: Originally Posted by Hazon I think you lie. You need the game running to test what have you made. 1. I never lie 2. I made freeroam server/project many times. This time I want to...
@LOUAYBs, thanks for suggestions, that actually helped me! Quote: Originally Posted by Variableā„¢ Your community is your source of ideas, make a community of people and get them to sugge...
@RajatAsthana thanks! @Variableā„¢, in the case if textdraws not needed you can use ScoreName(playerid), MoneyName(playerid) in your /stats command just like this: Quote: new playerranks...
Oh I see, I can easily update this fs like that. Thanks for advices @Logic_ What you mean?