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What is the form of the txd for the black background of the phone? What is this textdraw? How is it?
Hello, I will create a new textdraw phone system but how can i do when a player click a textdraw like in the below photo to navigate the list and bold the listitem where you are. How can i do this? If...
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Hello I just wanted to make a new system like LS:RP Cargo Trucker like going to some type (food, fruits, meat, etc) type / cargo buy puts a box in your hand with a SetPlayerSpecialAction to carry and ...
I have created from 0 one system like LS-RP Cargo. I have a problem, I have created the table in mysql but always if i buy the fruits cargo he returns me in /cargo list the ID 2 from mysql(meat not fr...
I have Код: stock AddDynamicVehicles() { new query[4096]; mysql_format(handlesql, query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM `cars`"); mysql_pquery(handlesql, query, "LoadDynamicVehicles"); return ...
I just make a textdraw system payphone, on the textdrawstring it's setting numbers but when i press CALL i want to call the number is on the string How can i do it? I think i need to get the textdraw ...
Now in my gamemode, I have one Radio System like this: One player can buy a channel from Verona Mall, he goes there and type (/rentchannel [channel-id(1-9999)] [auth pass]) Then, he needs to /setchan...
If one player is < 45 hp and I shoot him with a deagle he is respawning but I wants to put him in injured like another weapons like M4 or AK-47. Why he is respawning? It's because damage deagle fro...
Код: if(armour > 0) { amoun = armour - damage; if(amoun <= 0) { SetPlayerHealthEx(playerid,health - damage); } SetPlayerArmourEx(p...
Hello why deagle on my server have damage so much but in gamemode i set to 9? On /damages the deagle damage is 9 but he gives too much why? On LS:RP damage deagle is 68 but not bugged like me Код...
I finish with a pick the cargo but how to put the object in a trunk vehicle?
I need to make that: To take a crate in hand and place in a near vehicle( trucker job) How to do that? Thanks you all
Код: public OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid, issuerid, Float:amount, weaponid, bodypart) { switch(weaponid) { case 2 .. 3: damage = 5; case 4: damage = 12; ...
I set the deagle damage on my gamemode on OnPlayerTakeDamage on 11 and his damage it's 50 cuz GTA singleplayer, why?
Код: public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid) { new Float:health, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z; GetPlayerHealth(playerid, health), GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z); if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(...
deagle damage is bugged, i set to 13 and it's damage it's 50 cuz gta single i think
It doesn't work, if i put the match on OnPlayerUpdate() if i connect on server it's says that i am dead but i am not because health is 0 and probably doesn't recognize why
My damage system it's ok but at deagle, shotgun and sawn off damage it's changed but i don't know, i have a injured system under 50hp but deagle is 13 damage and player goes to 47 HP. If I shoot one m...
I just want to finish this system!