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Are you using streamer or default samp CreateObject?
otherPlayer variable needs to be a string so, otherPlayer[24]
This happened to me too, I changed to Debian and it worked fine again.
Hey guys so I'm trying to create a 3D textlabel with Incognito's streamer, and attach it to a player like this: PHP код: //top new Text3D:PlayerNametag[MAX_PLAYERS]; //--------- //This is aÂ...
Maybe try zeex compiler? And check all your opened brackets are closed.
Hey man, thank you for your response, I found out what was happening, and it was that I was using AttachObjectToVehicle instead of AttachDynamicObjectToVehicle for an streamer object. Anyway thanks fo...
Hello guys, so I have a /siren cmd: PHP код:                     VehSirenState[vehicleid] = 1;                     VehSirenObject[vehicleid] = Create...
Is the file located at "/usr/lib32"?
Yeah, I thought his message displayed more characters like "Your pos is blahblahblah" but only displays the coords, I was wrong.
Use a larger string like 256 characters instead of 50.
Quote: Originally Posted by CodeStyle175 what are you even programming? @CodeStyle175 It is choosing a random player, that's not AFK or Jailed. @JesterlJoker Sorry, but why would I need...
Hello, so I'm having some trouble trying to fix this, and finally I have ran out of ideas. So I got this loop: PHP код: new random = INVALID_PLAYER_ID;     do{         random ...
Hi all, I have already tried to fix it, but I have no idea what to do anymore so post this I have a speedometer on my script, that messes everything up. I have an array where I store vehicle names t...
The worst thing is that I thought about it, but I went like naah, Im way too stupid, thanks man.
Quote: Originally Posted by m1kas You can do it that way but I have always preferred to not mix up players and bans, as it really doesn't have an impact since you still get the username wh...
Isn't there any way of using the auto incremented id from the main table 'players' and store it on the 'bans' table as I tried to? Quote: cache_get_value_name_int(0, "id", banid); ...
Quote: Originally Posted by m1kas Код: CMD:oban(playerid, params[]) { new name[24], reason[128], Query[155]; if(sscanf(params, "s[24]s[128]", name, reason)) return ...