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Quote: Originally Posted by Drake1994 Well, to tell the truth I no longer updating the plugin (because I thought nobody use it) and I already give this project away to SkittlesAreFalling. ...
Well, to tell the truth I no longer updating the plugin (because I thought nobody use it) and I already give this project away to SkittlesAreFalling. He will updating the project but his plugin is not...
Quote: Originally Posted by SkittlesAreFalling 3 Things please: You need to add: BitAnd bitNot bitOr BitXor bitLshift bitRshift bitARshift (look them up at MTA wiki/utility functions) bitT...
Maybe I forgot to mention (i thought i did it), but you can load scripts, and modules with server.cfg: Код: luascripts teszt luamodules mta_mysql.dll
v0.2.5 released: - Added "tocolor" function which provide to convert color/number from 64 bit to 32 bit (Lua is in 64bit, PAWN is in 32bit, therefore there was some mix-up). Usage: Код: tocolor(r,...
v0.2.4 released: - Fixed a bug where callbacks weren't called correctly. Download: Plugin - Plugin Source code
Quote: Originally Posted by HardWar Why am I getting this? What's your code? Can you send me here or in private message? P.S.: I will update the plugin soon to give some info which l...
Quote: Originally Posted by HardWar Amazing work, very useful. Thanks! Is there SQLite functions? (you could make a list with the functions and events) Well for some reason GDK don't h...
v0.2.3 Released - Fixed stack leak when using call. - Fixed call function: arguments starts at index 1 and not 3 - Fixed prescript when using "export" will not call function correctly if no argument p...
Quote: Originally Posted by Lorenc_ This is very interesting! Well done man. Thanks! Plugin compiled to Linux (along with module_sdk example and mta_mysql), it can be found in the Relea...
v0.2.2 released: - I think that tests was successfull and the plugin no longer in Alpha state. - Resources now need to be in the following folder: "lua/resources/". - Resources can be loaded from serv...
Quote: Originally Posted by Coystark Yah, thanks Anything is wrong with this? Im going to bed now e tomorrow I see, thanks for the help. Код: if lev...
Quote: Originally Posted by Coystark The gamemod (lvdm) don't load here, can you help-me? As I mentioned in the main post you need to start manually the ...
v0.1.2 (Alpha) released: - setTimer, killTimer function added. - New arguments reader added. - Fixed various issues with using function reader. Syntax (setTimer): Код: timerid setTimer(interval, ...
For some reason SetTimer does not want to work. I'm using the latest amalgamation and the following code: Код: PLUGIN_EXPORT unsigned int PLUGIN_CALL Supports() { return sampgdk::Supports() | SUP...
Well i'm not so good at english but i'm trying to answer these questions: 1. Well Lua have things that can make scripting easier than PAWN or any other scripting language. You don't need to compile t...
Introduction Well as the name suggests (i hope) this plugin makes possible to use Lua programming language in SA-MP servers. There are a lot of similarity to MTA. To tell the truth it's started as a ...
If you use y_iterate, and create an iterator, for example: Iterator:test<10>; Then you can just only add value between 0 and 9 to the iterator. With this you can add values between 0 and 2,147,4...
Quote: Originally Posted by S4t3K Nice job. So the problem that ****** told about (if you create an iterator like "new Iterator:iter<200>;" and you add a value superior to 200) is no...