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Quote: Originally Posted by jasperschellekens Have you tried increasing the cell size of string? where?
Well again I have a problem, My gamemode has a problem with private messages, when you try to send a private message it sends it but it does not appear complete it always cuts part of the message and ...
Quote: Originally Posted by KyNe Код: if (dUserINT(PlayerName2(playerid)).("banned") == 1) change Код: Kick(playerid); to Код: Ban(playerid); Код: if (dUserINT(Pl...
well, I have a system of prohibition of names bone, it is a system that places one / offlineban Name is to prohibit accounts, but does not prohibit your ip, I would like that when I prohibit someone ...
Quote: Originally Posted by KyNe im guess u use NZTDM Script right? Code: public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid) { return 1; } check your script,onplayerupdate AAhh i checked it thanks!...
Hello everyone, because when I enter a place, example to the pizza shop on my server, does not let me use weapons? , I always try to use weapons and do not let them use them, always move to fist _____...
is there any way to make a command, teleportation that has a password? , I mean, to teleport to that place, I need a password, if I put the password right, it directs me to that position, if it's inco...
Is there any way or create a command to see how many people are in a vehicle, in general? , I mean, a command to know how many people connected to the server are uploaded to a car
Quote: Originally Posted by Konstantinos Step 1: Check if player in vehicle and store the vehicleid. Step 2: A player-loop. Step 3: Check if the value of the loop is in the same vehicle: I...
Hello, who could help me to make a command, that when I speak only see the people who are driving a car and so the passenger like for example: /r Hello /r [Text] That ''Hello'' is seen by people who ...
error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2) Код: CMD:call911(playerid,params[]) { new string[128]; new dname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], sw[120]; GetPlayerName(playerid, dname, sizeof(dname)); format(sw...
Quote: Originally Posted by Sew_Sumi It's not unusual for hosts to block certain outgoing traffic, and I wouldn't be surprised if Ultra-h do this. You'd have to ask them, or find some oth...
Quote: Originally Posted by Sew_Sumi Check with Ultra H as they could be blocking the outgoing connection maybe. i tested the gamemode in Open game panel Host (Linux) and it working , s...
Please hellp , i put the irc in the gamemode without FS , but it work in Windows server , but in my host dont work cmds , help please
if i update again plugins can work?
Quote: Originally Posted by Arthur Kane Are you using the correct plugin versions? Ultra H is Linux. Yes , i'm using .so plugins but i dont know why commands dont work
I am using everything updated plugins etc , what does not work are the commands like (!players) and others, the commands work on windows server osea, when I probe it from my computer and everything se...
Quote: Originally Posted by AlphaPac Depends in what context. I know about IRC and how it works. Never used it with SA:MP before though. I'm sure it's fairly simple though. because some...