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The operator "<<" it's a bitwise shift operator, the code you posted is used to make "Bit Flags" PHP код: enum E_MY_TAG (<<= 1){E_MY_TAG_NONE,         //0b00000000000000...
You're right but what I've posted right there is the testing code I was trying, I needed foreach because instead of making other class-specific array which will just be a waste of memory I decided to ...
I fixed it by making this function: PHP код: #define Iter_Index(%1,%2) Itter_Index(_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Ag,%2,_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1)) stock Itter_Index(array[], index, size) {     n...
I've checked the YSI github repository looking for y_iterate and foreach and I didn't find any Iter_Index function, I read something about this function on Gammix's foreach but I don't want to rewrite...
Thank you for replying ******, I'm using foreach standalone 0.4 and there's no such function, what version do I need to download ?
Hi guys, I have a foreach iterator which stores some array indexes and I use it in a dialog, now I need to access the original array at the index stored in the "listitem" index of the foreach iterato...