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Quote: Originally Posted by Deadpoop TF r u talking about?? lets have a look at this: aaaaaand this: ur mom is amazing
I wanted to waste my time for nothing in map editor cuz i don't got anything in mind and i said; If i need to troll my friend, how do i would troll him? Exactly. If your best friend has a server and...
671 I want the answer for the question from that topic, but in ZCMD, not strcmp. Can someone help me? Or i can use it even if i have included ZCMD?
line 270 if(PlayerSpam[playerid] < MAX_SPAM); You forgot to add a ; rep if worked
Quote: Originally Posted by Heress try: Wow, that's not even the coordinates i want. It's a map bug for me , but i will try to fix it. OnGameModeInit: AddPlayerClass(60,1551.9125,-1337...
Quote: Originally Posted by UFF that's just an example code. Actually the code should be like this Код: SetPlayerPos(playerid, -1431.4838, 1580.5219, 1055.7191); // Player's Position...
Quote: Originally Posted by UFF Код: SetPlayerPos(playerid, xyz); //Player position SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, xyz); //the camera position SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playerid, xyz; //pla...
Today i learned that sscanf is not installable By the way i learned & understanded fully HTML & CSS & JavaScript for websites today too. You are not interested in this, but i am.
I /save-d a position somewhere. At the player skin selection(with the arrows and the spawn) i've been put these coordinates like this(/save at position 0 0 3, which i would look at a camp). SetPlayer...
Quote: Originally Posted by ****** Just use zcmd, you can't use both. Someone used them both. How? And how do i transform them?
Quote: Originally Posted by Voller Hi, how did you solve it? faci update la sv azi.
I made a zcmd command and one public OnPlayerCommandText();. Commands from OnPlayerCommandText doesn't work but the ZCMD commands works. I want to make OnPlayerCommandText commands work too. Index: ...
Quote: Originally Posted by taktaz If you want to add commands , you should place their script under OnPlayerCommandText ... NOTE: OnPlayerCommandText is in your script you should just sea...
C:\Users\Wreeper\Desktop\sal\gamemodes\localhost.p wn(290) : error 010: invalid function or declaration C:\Users\Wreeper\Desktop\sal\gamemodes\localhost.p wn(293) : error 010: invalid function or de...