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SOLVED! Quote: Originally Posted by Shadow0707 PHP Code: #define COLOR_BLACK 0x000000AA new slex_part1_zone; public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) {     SetGameModeText("SLEX 4.0...
Is someone knows how to create gang zones using YSF plugin?
I found the cause of the problem, it is because I am using YSF plugin. Now i need to figure out how to fix it with YSF plugin included
I am trying to create a Gang Zone (Colored black / 0x000000AA) and show it for a player but it does not show at all in radar even in the map (Gang Zone colored black will act as a road in radar). I s...
A stunt map from above 13,000 meters above sea level going down to the main land of san andreas. Skypiea Stunt Map Video Code: CreateObject(16358, 5187.66650, 1396.14404, 2726.21948, 0.00000, 350...