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Quote: Originally Posted by Kane_ Are you sure that's a player object? I have no idea, i just played on that server Playerobject is the only way i can think to do something like that, b...
But there isn't a way to make weapons like m4,ak,eagle looks like gold plated like on the img? --- I gave 1 rep to both of you guys!
Quote: Originally Posted by MEGADETHS try 0xFFFFFF2D, there is that bug with changing object colors though, sometimes the color is darkened. Ty to try help, but still bad Look:
I wanna make weapon tint like a server i used to play and closed... It's just: PHP Code: SetPlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 2, GetWeaponModel(wp2), 8, -0.079999, -0.039999, 0.109999, -90.10...
How to get this tone of gold: I've played a server with this tone of gold, but i never, ever get something like that. Yes, i know how to get hexas, but everytime when i try ...
Quote: Originally Posted by FerrariL PHP код: new rand = random(sizeof(rotas)); SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,rotas[rand][0],rotas[rand][1],rotas[rand][2],2.0);  Mas da...
Como teria que fazer pra criar um random, entre 3 rotas e fazer uma ser a escolhida, tipo acertar esse cуdigo aqui: Код: new Float:rotas[][] = { // rota 1 {-12.8889,153.9808,999.7769,359.95...
Quote: Originally Posted by weex I've already tried a lot of tones using 0xFFhexcolor, but i always get a light gold or a orange e never could take a GOLD like this:
I've already tried a lot of tones using 0xFFhexcolor, but i always get a light gold or a orange e never could take a GOLD like this: Did u know or everyone else, how to take...
There was a server i played they gave you the option to "tune" your weapon, make it gold-plated... I trying to make like, but i never can set a good tone like was there, like you guys can see on img:...
Quote: Originally Posted by AllanSG 0xdfc41dff 0xdfc93bff 0xf5e262ff 0xf9dc1fff 0xffdd00ff 0xcdc82eff 0xffd700ff < pesquisei na net 0xd5d53dff Color Picker Todos q vc passou sгo ro...
Como cacetes esses caras conseguiram esse tom de dourado?
Quote: Originally Posted by RodrigoMSR Tente estas: Code: 0xFFFFEF3D 0xFFE0D555 0xFFFAEC4D Vocк pode fazer sua cor em, use-a no formato ARGB: Code: 0xFF(cor) Exemplo: #...
Quote: Originally Posted by NaS Because that is not detectable by SAMP. The callback doesn't call for vehicle damage - only for shots and melee. I would like to detect too, there isn't ...
Quote: Originally Posted by CyNiC Materiais usam ARGB, nгo sabia. Tente assim: #define WPCOLOR_GOLD 0xFFCC0000 Vlw manin por estar tentando ajudar, mas com essa ID ta marcando como ve...