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I know why that happen xD The // comment on is too long-,- so you can remove that comment Change PHP код: #define SECOND            "%S" //Blablablalblablablbalbalbal...
Quote: Originally Posted by v1k1nG Hello, in the code you've posted I see no sscanf being used. Yeah, ikr.. but every time i connected to my server.. it shows warning like that
Quote: Originally Posted by sammp That's bad code buddy, if I'm Admin Lvl 7 then I'll get the messages for every level before it. That's why else-if exists. I use code from NexyAG, and ...
Wait, why don't you just use this? PHP Code: new NVTransportas[4]; NVTransportas[0] = CreateVehicle(583, -3779.2019, -1880.6560, 5.2844, 90.0000, -1, -1, 100);  NVTransportas[1] = C...
Quote: Originally Posted by Heress "i made it like this make it like in your code" sorry but i dont understand this sentence.... :/ PHP Code: new utilitytrailer1[MAX_PLAYERS]; newÂ...
I got this error when everytime i connected to my server, and it took a long time to Show my RLTD (Register Login TextDraw) PHP код: public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) {     // REMOVE BUI...
Quote: Originally Posted by Deken why you dont try something like if because when it chose it will try every of that if something like this pawn Код: if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] &...
I have made a cinematic camera, but when I run the script it immediately jumps into the last cinematic code ... how do I make the code run gradually? PHP код: CinematicCam(playerid) {     ...
All you have to do is press CTRL + F in pawno And then, type gArmySpawns etc. and click find.. If its found, delete it or comment with //
I have several groups for different events. There are VIP and PlayerBans. I know how to create events outside the group, but I don't know how to make them in groups. Here are some screenshots and the...
This is from "Chrono" include Код: Error: Function not registered: 'Now' Error: Function not registered: 'TimeFormat'
I've installed discord connector, and I got this error when i start the server Can you help me? Код: AMX (48005520) loaded Error: Function not registered: 'Now' Error: Function not register...
Solved. I just need to put PHP код: ManualVehicleEngineAndLights();  into OnGameModeInit();
maybe you can use stock.. don't use public, and you don't have to use CallRemoteFunction if you using stock PHP код: stock IsPlayerGod(TargetID){    return (godMode[TargetID]);}  -...
Код: C:\Users\41651\Desktop\GMS\Nova pasta\pawno\acessory.pwn(389) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayerData" Wrong variable. What variable do you use to call enum? look in other commands / public...
Hmm.. maybe you can try this?? PHP код: public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)  {      if(gTeam[playerid] == DRAGONS)       {           SetSpawnInfo(player...