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Hello SA-MP players. I was wondering, what do SA-MP players like in server these days? Only role play? I have playground server with a lot of functions, but zero players. So I decided to ask your opin...
It's not what i want. The Z coordinate can be in the air. Eg. vehicle can be on the 60 degree road, so it will be looking to the sky. I need that Z coordinate i the air, 100.0 SA unit distance from ve...
Hello. I wanted to ask if anyone knows how to get Z coordinate in front of vehicle in specified distance?
Quote: Originally Posted by brandypol Thanks a lot dude and if I have 5 skins i guess i repeat all that stuff 5 times ? SetPlayerPos(playerid, 2495.3455, -1687.9534, 13.5165); To...
So use like this: pawn Код: SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid,X+5 (coordinate X from addplayerclass + 5 to be it nearby), Y, Z);
Isn't this better? pawn Код: public Counting(){     switch (Counter)     {          case 120:          {                SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR,"2 minutes left be...
You just need to use /save command to get coordinates. It's stored in My Documents\GTA San Andreas User Files\SAMP\savedpositions.txt
You can test it like this: pawn Код: public OnGameModeInit(){    new var;    print("%d",var);    return 1;} And you will see what is it.
I don't know your code, but maybe stream distance is too small ? pawn Код: native CreateDynamicObject(modelid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:rx, Float:ry, Float:rz, worldid = -1, interiorid = -...
Wrong foreach usage. You should use foreach(i,Player)
A/D (Attack - Defend) This game mode is for clan wars (CW). It has all main features, that CW server needs (team names, team scores, arenas, bases, round timer and more). Commands' list: /startarena ...
Maybe there aren't 212 names? I didn't check it but i guess from error name.
On OnGameModeInit you need to use AddPlayerClass(info..). and then pawn Код: public OnPlayerRequestClass(playerid, classid){    SetPlayerPos(playerid, same coordinates);    TogglePlayerContro...
Hello. I have a problem showing markers. Everything works fine, but sometimes all player markers become the same (same color). So maybe anyone knows what is the problem. Here is the code pawn Код...
If you have an account system, you need to check if that player already exist by comparing names (ignoring case). And after that you do whatever you want with that player.
Fixed myself. i had: pawn Код: enum s_info{ SKIN_A, SKIN_B, SKIN_C, Timer, Started, Players_A, Players_B, Score_A, Score_B, Float:Health_A, Float:Health_B, Name_A[11], Name_B[11], ...
I tested this code in new.pwn and its working, so what is going on..
It doesnt matter if i use printf if no, still it's not loaded...