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I've been trying to fix my script about this, every time I enter or exit a house, it gives me this warning and if I do it on the official host - the player gets temporarily banned. So I've noticed tha...
Then why don't you do it twice or three times? pawn Код: CreateExplosion(PlayerBombPOS[playerid][0],PlayerBombPOS[playerid][1],PlayerBombPOS[playerid][2],2,50.0);CreateExplosion(PlayerBombPOS[play...
I'm not sure if this issue is within the script or the client already. I've made a command to spawn vehicles and once the vehicle ID reaches 200 and up, I could no longer control it. Example: Vehicle...
Try this: pawn Код: #define DIALOG_MUSIC 1234CMD:playmusic(playerid, params[]){    #pragma unused params    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_MUSIC, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Music List", "My Time i...
Isn't it weird that it stops at ID 200? I mean, I could still spawn a temporary vehicle but then ID 200 couldn't be manipulated anymore. I tried to do this: pawn Код: public OnPlayerStateChange(pl...
Edit: Nevermind, it still stops at ID 200.
Did you put them all under: /pawno/include /include
Try putting your include files inside the folders "pawno -> include" and "include"
I'm putting in random vehicles in my script using AddStaticVehicleEx() there are also some vehicles that were created using CreateVehicle() mainly for dealership vehicles. I scripted it in that if the...
Oh geez, I should have asked first before renaming them. Thanks Y Less! Edit: I already changed most of them to [128] some to [64] and [32] except for those that I use to query. It's still the same.
You might be referring to
I would like to ask if renaming and putting strings down to 128 max cell size be effective in avoiding this warning? Код: Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase Header...
Make sure that you're using the correct plugin version of MySQL, and making it as a GIF is terrible.
Quote: Originally Posted by Facerafter Is that list incomplete? I swear I have seen the use of the "f" key never changed my key bindings. Yes, the key "F" for entering a vehicle in most...
Also, if you check this link: You wouldn't see any default key for "L" on the keyboard. So just keep in mind that the person would still have to change their confi...
Hi, try this one: pawn Код: YCMD:v_buy(playerid, params[], help){     if(PR[playerid][VehiclesOwned] >= 1)          return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ERROR, "[ ! ] You already r...
This is what I normally use: pawn Код: if(!inputtext){ // your code here}
What's with those closing brackets?
Yes, the object would also be non-breakable. The only thing changed is the material/texture. I assume that you're trying to have unbreakable glasses?
Looking for beta testers and mappers for an upcoming role-play server. Requirements for beta testers: - At least 2 years of SA-MP experience. - Have played in a role-play server for at least a year. ...