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Replacing Discord mentions with the mentioned user's (nick)name NOTE: dc_Guild must be the ID of your guild (Discord server). PHP Code: ReplaceDiscordMentions(const message[]) {        Â...
Fixed, had a random "F" on the top of my script. I'm dumb. Close this
Код: compiler\include\YSI\..\YSI_Coding\..\YSI_Internal\ : error 010: invalid function or declaration This began popping up today. I tried deleting everything I've scripted today,...
PHP код: public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) {         new pIP[16],          tIP[16]; // Create strings so we can store the IPs in them     GetPlayerIp(playerid,...
It won't show to other players, but it will show to the player, which means he can pick it up again, and I don't want that.
After I do SetPlayerSpecialAction(playerid, SPECIAL_ACTION_NONE), I can't use my weapons. I've tried giving the weapons to the player afterwards, but that also doesn't work. Also, how do I remove the...
As FreAkeD said, you should use sscanf. PHP код: CMD:setscore(playerid,params[]) {     if(pInfo[playerid][Admin] >= 5)     {         new targetid, score, string[144]; Â...
Quote: Originally Posted by Adam_Hardy Oh dang I just noticed the Hardstyle reply, thank you lol I'm in dead love with Hardstyle for 10 years xD Welcome back Heady <3 You didn't define...
Try it without the timer repeating. PHP код: // Somewhere in your script... PlayerTemp[playerid][CPTimer] = SetTimerEx("TracenCP", 2000, false, "dd", playerid, targetID);   funct...
Quote: Originally Posted by Adam_Hardy Well tbh I did not want to use YSI on my gamemode because I will have to change many other things, can it work the same version I had it? If so can y...
I have scripted a y_ini version of this system because the method you are using is very outdated and slow. The system I have scripted will print out the amount of cars loaded and will also use sepera...
FIXED To anyone having trouble with this: Under OnPlayerUpdate: PHP код: new currweapon = GetPlayerWeapon(playerid); new lastweapon = GetPVarInt(playerid, "LastWeap"); if(currweapon ...
Quote: Originally Posted by boy Thanks for pointing out a lot of my mistakes. However, I'm still having some issues. Now when I perform the command, it is saying I've inserted a invalid am...
Код: CMD:give(playerid, params[]) { new targetid, type[10], amount, msg[144]; if(!sscanf(params, "us[10]i", targetid, type, amount)) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "HINT: /give ...
I suggest using player variables in order to control the objects and bullet information. I also suggest using CreatePlayerObject and AttachPlayerObjectToPlayer. You must create the object in another ...
HideTDRegister(playerid) Shouldn't that be ShowTDRegister(playerid)?