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Thank you all, 300+ players server can be run (for) without lag server? At the moment only use for, and sometimes I have a little lag. But I do not know if the problem loops. HOST is very performant. ...
Quote: Originally Posted by SickAttack Why don't you test them to see which one is faster? Just change the second loop to: for(new i = 0, j = GetPlayerPoolSize(); i <= j; i++) Why? D...
Method 1: Код HTML: new Iterator: WarPlayers<MAX_PLAYERS>; foreach (new i : GunGamePlayers) { // code line, code line ... // etc etc etc ... } Method 2: Код HTML: new WarPlayers...
What's the difference? Код HTML: mysql_format(MySQLCon, qMYSQL[8], 290, "UPDATE `players` SET `BankMoney`=%d WHERE `ID`=%d", plInfo[playerid][pBankMoney],plInfo[playerid][pID]), mysql_tquery(MySQL...
How to combat Vehicle Path Recording? Thanks.
Quote: Originally Posted by Vince Run profiler plugin. The amount of timers in itself tells nothing. Twenty timers with 5 lines of code will still be faster than 3 timers with 200 lines of...
When my server server exceeds 180 players begin to process difficult. (180+ players online = server lag) I do not understand why... My GameMode: Runs 3 GlobalTimers. (1 = 600ms | 2 = 1 seconds | 3 = ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Sunehildeep Код: public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason) { if(killerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) { if(!IsACop(killerid) || pInfo[pl...
Don't show message "Work!". Код HTML: public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason) { if(killerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) { if(!(IsACop(killerid) || pInfo[playerid][aVar][79] ...
Not correctly ID extracted. TAB Players: SSCANF Code (in dialog response): Код HTML: new ID; sscanf(inputtext,"u",ID); printf("d: %s, %d", inputtext, ID); .LOG: Код HTML: [10:57:45] d: Test ...
How to convert UNIX TIME in Date with MYSQL? Код HTML: new st = SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(1447430881); printf("Date: %s", st); Not work...
Код HTML: native TextDrawSetHideTime(Text:text, time); // time in milliseconds
Quote: Originally Posted by JakeXxX Clickme here you go please next time make sure to ****** it first. These IDs are not the lights ID of my image.
What were these lights object ID?