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but i need [MAX_PLAYERS] like : new NewName [MAX_PLAYERS] [30]; bec new NewName [30]; just can store one name
i have rp server and if someone have non rp name he get dialog and after he write new name it get stored then admins have to accept/deny the name
new NewName [MAX_PLAYERS] [128]; new query[150]; mysql_format(g_Sql, query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE `users` SET `username` = '%e' WHERE `username` = '%e' LIMIT 1", NewName[giveplayerid], PlayerName(gi...
Money[MAX_PLAYERS]; money[playerid] = 1; and now how to store string[128] instead of int ? Money[MAX_PLAYERS][128]; money[playerid] = "text"; NOT WORKING
i wanna get the "ID" of the insterted row This ID:
so what i must write in the row index? and what is it
how to get the Column value where username = player username instead of getting Column value using row index cache_get_value_name_int(ROW_INDEX, "money", int_dest);
it always create new user when there is already an user with the same name ( it give me 0 raw ) Код HTML: new queryy[200] ; format(queryy, 128, "SELECT * users WHERE username = '%s'", PlayerName(p...
Oh lol i found every thing that i need there Thx ( i can't +rep ) hhhh
how to get value from mysql database? like player level
new MySQL:g_Sql, error; g_Sql = mysql_connect(mysql_host, mysql_user, mysql_database, mysql_password); error = mysql_errno(); if (!error) SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Succ...
i need help i get error -1 when trying to connect to the DB g_Sql = mysql_connect(mysql_host, mysql_user, mysql_database, mysql_password); error = mysql_errno(); error = -1
Thx, Fuck i can't give you other +rep bec i already did yesterday when you helped me lol
i didn't undrestand how to use it can you give me a an example to check if the script succesfully connected to the DB or no and store the returned value in the same time
how to check if the script succesfully connected to the DB or no and store the returned value in the same time? new MySQL:g_Sql; g_Sql = mysql_connect(mysql_host, mysql_user, mysql_database, mysql_pas...
I get this error: error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 1) new queryy[200] ; format(queryy, sizeof(queryy), "INSERT INTO playerdata (user, money) VALUES('%s', %d')",PlayerName(playa) , health); ...