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Hi, I would like to get some help on how do I kick when a player attacks another player? I know I can use OnPlayerGiveDamage but how do I use it?
Why is it bad? Its only the anty weapon that does not work.
Here is the code: Quote: if(antyWeaponHack == wlaczony) { new bron = GetPlayerWeapon(playerid); if(bron != 0 || bron != 43) { new string[128], nazwaBroni[20]; GetWeaponName(b...
Ive tried that before, doing that did not help, my AntyCheat still kicked for weapons.
Hi, recently I was thinking of going back to pawn for a bit and started making a free roam map(mainy used for modding people) and wanted to edit the grandlarc map, but I get weapons on connection, wh...