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Quote: Originally Posted by willbedie Why are you just copy-pasting every system of mine lmfao, you'll have to ask for permission to do that. I released it so people can use on their serve...
1.1.2 - Report System Reports are now stored in the reports table on the database. Admins can view all pending reports (/reports), accept a report (/ar), deny a report (/dr) and delete all pending r...
1.1.1 - Updates Added admin jail system. Commands: /ajail, /aunjail and /ajailinfo (same as /muteinfo - shows info about a jailed player.) Changes to the mute system code. Mute info is now stored in...
Quote: Originally Posted by SonnyGamer Is this admin system bug free? Did you test all features or any server uses this system? If its bug free I might use it in my server. It should be...
1.1 - Update Added /checkplayer. Shows information about the player, their IP (if the admin checking is 2+) and if they're in a vehicle, it shows the vehicle information. Added /changepass for playe...
1.0.1 - Small fixes Added a basic /report command. I have future plans for it but for now it's just a simple command that sends a message to admins, saves to a file and sends a message to Discord. /...
Quote: Originally Posted by KinderClans You're using latest MySQL plugin but not foreach, the classic for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i ++). Originally, I wanted to use as little inc...
TAdmin A MySQL administration system because we don’t have enough of those! This is my first ever release so go easy on me D: Hopefully the system is gonna be useful to some people because I spe...
2,097 There you go.
AddCharModel is used to add a custom skin. AddSimpleModel is to add objects. See this tutorial for more info; Also, you cannot add custom weapons.
considering they had a server reset less than 1 month ago those stats are very fake
If you don't show any code, no one can help you.
Songily worked for me. You can try that. Search the song and copy music link.
You posted this in the wrong section. This section is used for scripting help.
Are you using ******* link to play music?