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I want to create a npc/actor to be a passenger in a car. What function should I use?
PHP код: forward PlayerData_Data(playerid, name[], value[]); public PlayerData_Data(playerid, name[], value[]) {     INI_Int("Password", pInfo[playerid][Pass]);     INI_Float("X...
PHP код: if(dialogid == LOGIN)     {        if(!response) return Kick(playerid);        if(!strlen(inputtext)) return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, LOGIN, DIALOG_STYLE_PA...
Everything works perfectly but when I connect I want to say that is wrong password. What is wrong with the script? Код HTML: if(dialogid == REGISTER) { if(!strlen(inputtext)) return Sh...
Thank you so much, come back with a review when completed. I did not know how to find those coordinates, and I think that is another function. EDIT: It's perfect, thank's.
When going cursor to "Connect", mark TextDraw "Register". What would need to do to be only one of two marked? Код HTML: CKTD[0] = CreatePlayerTextDraw(playerid, 45.500000, 191.022186, "Regist...
When a person types in command for a time can not key another person the same command.
I tried that when you type the command a player can not just another player key and when the object got into position. To order it goes whether or not the object to its original position. PHP коÐ...