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hello I have a problem that keeps me off the mysql everything to 0 and do not understand why but if the stock I put in a cmd saved working properly I have no errors or anything that keeps me alone va...
hola guardado me guarda las celdas vacias y no tengo error de mysql Quote: format(Query, sizeof(Query), "UPDATE `cuenta` SET `posxx`= '%.2f',`posy`= '%.2f',`posz`= '%.2f',`angle`= '%.2f'...
si se suma perfecto y todo pero nose que pasa
hello again sorry for my bad English but I'm doing the auto save system but the error is that the car I keep the id 2 id 1 in the id is primary y AUTO_INCREMENT aid fabor stay aground me and I can n...
Quote: Originally Posted by Choidito En la tabla, "ID" debe ser primary key y auto increment para que pueda funcionar. si ya es primary key y auto increment pero sigue igual
Quote: Originally Posted by SickAttack VehicleInfo[vehicleid][vvid] should be the SQL ID. and as you do you explain me please do not understand Vehicle Info [vehicleid] [vvid] load p...
hello again sorry for my bad English but I'm doing the auto save system but the error is that the car I keep the id 2 id 1 in Quote: new vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid); new quer...
hello again sorry for my bad English but I'm doing the auto save system but the error is that the car I keep the id 2 id 1 in Quote: new vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid); new quer...
hola tengo un problema que a la hora de guardar las pos del auto me la guarda en el primer auto que esta en la tabla como hago para que se guarde en el auto correspondiente codigo: Quote: ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Gazzy Not too sure what you're trying to ask us, however try replacing this: PHP код: `vllave1` or vllave2` or vllave3`  To this: PHP код: ...
I want to do that when you check in vllave1 keep vllave2 vllave3 this the id of the player who is PlayerInfo[playerid][jSQLID] vllave1 = PlayerInfo[playerid][jSQLID] vllave2 = PlayerInfo[playerid][jS...
hello sorry for my bad English I want to know how to go about identifying me the car key when you will keep Quote: new query[200]; format(query, 200, "UPDATE `autos` SET `posx`= %f,`posy`...
no pero yo no quiero el nombre del auto yo quiero que si yo le doy la llave del auto a otro user que ese user con su nombre pueda encender el auto
yo tengo esos 3 guardados que son para nombres que van en la tabla de autos esta vd que es el dueсo y llave1 llave2 y llave3 son para los nombres para la personas que le vallas a prestar el auto lo q...
hola como andas estoy haciendo un sistema de encendido con comprobacion de llaves por nombre pero nose como se haces con varios enum los enum Quote: VD[24], vllave1[24], vllave2[24], ...
hello first of all sorry for my bad English I have a problem with the vehicle system key system is with the player's name but does not walk me here I leave the ignition system Quote: if(n...
Quote: Originally Posted by Konstantinos I don't quite understand what you mean. The first vehicle is not loaded at all? I have a question though, do you use R7 version and you use strva...