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Quote: Originally Posted by Diman777 Короче ясно, что ничего не ясно)) _: - тег целочисленных значений по дефолту Float: - т...
Quote: Originally Posted by Diman777 Untonyst почему нет в русской части этого материала? В интернете же и так мало на русск...
Quote: Originally Posted by PrO.GameR Add this to your tutorial to remove all the fuss of using a ternary operator > PHP Code: #define TernaryOperator(%0,%1,%2) ((%0)?(%1):(%2)) ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Yashas since identifiers in PAWN have a length limit of 32 No! The limit in length of 31. 32nd this is null-symbol!
If you are looking for a only one symbol, it is better to use a loop. If necessary to use a for loop for the whole string, it is not necessary to know the size of the string. PHP Code: new stri...
TERNARY OPERATION In this tutorial I will tell you about ternary operator. In computer science, a ternary operator is an operator that takes three arguments. The arguments and result can be of differ...
Yes. For example PHP код: CMD:giveweap(playerid, params[]) {     new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;     GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);     foreach (new i:Player)     { ...
Код: mysql_format(mysql, query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE `database` SET `pEXP` = %d, `Premium` = %d, `pAdminLevel` = %d,", pInfo[playerid][pEXP], pInfo[playerid][Premium], pInfo[playerid][pAdminLeve...
Show your SQl query. Is it possible you put an extra comma.
PHP код: CMD:b(playerid,params[])  {      if(isnull(params))           return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, ""chat" /b [OOC chat]");      new string[128];    ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Johhnyllll Здравствуйте, решил попробовать Pawn.CMD, но у меня из-за него включается сервер. Инкл...
Quote: Originally Posted by Mutha_X Те, что в ядре сравнивают только пару переменных (у автора почти произвольное кол-в...
PHP код: forward DisplayDialogForPlayer(/* args */); forward ShowAirlines (/* args */);  What do you have in 3922nd line? Show me your code.
Условие просто суй куда надо и все. !! прошу писать по делу, всяким там, которые хотят готовый код, не писать!!
Quote: Originally Posted by KyleSmith And what happens if GitHub is down or your internet is down? You can synchronize your repository, then on your computer will make a backup of your ...
For example you want to add in your mod this map (click me), then you will copy the code and enter it in the public OnGameModeInit (read me). In the end, so be it (click me).
Quote: Originally Posted by MonSterLikeHD Like this ? u can use this macros as PHP код: #define Green #15741b SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "White color and {"Green"}...
PHP код: "{FFFFFF}White color and {"Green"}green color"