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Yeah, i remove that when i put it on the gm, cos optimization and i really dont mind not showing to "ilegals players" that i have this system... But that include seems amazing, and simple... is it sta...
Yeah, i found that thread when i was searching for serverside money systems, but i stick with the #define system due to optimisation... Btw, in my lenguage forum someone sugest that the problem is an ...
Quote: Originally Posted by DesingMyCry Si quieres hacer cуdigo continuo sin necesidad de corchetes, debes utilizar comas para separar las acciones. No es permitido crear un macro que se...
Se me olvido decir que ya habia tratado eso (e incluso quite la linea) sin resultados... Es extraсo porque ademas el compilador se queda usando el 50% del CPU.
Hi, I'm trying to implement a server side money system on my GM. In a very old comment in the forum I found this code, but when I try to compile the GM whit it inside, the compilation never ends, no ...
Buenas! Estoy interesado en un sistema de dinero serverside con #define, que encontrй por este foro en un comentario pero tiene varios aсos de antigьedad. Cuando intente compilar (con el codigo en...